With the intention to carry out Christ’s desire for Equipping the church; as Paul outlines in Ephesians 4:11-16, In Him Conference invites 5-fold gifts from around the world to help bring the LOCAL body into what Christ has called us to walk in.
In Him Conference is all about seeing the body of Christ EQUIPPED and MOBILISED for ACTION, in UNITY, toward MATURITY in JESUS! Churches from ALL AROUND THE NATION gathering to Know Jesus & Make Him Known! Join in for Worship, Teaching, Training & Ministry; as a team of Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, Evangelists & Teachers equip us for ministry; that we would see a release on earth as it is in heaven!

We are incredibly excited to host the following ministers from around the globe, and have intentionally invited them for the gifts that they are to the body of Christ! Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, Evangelists and Teachers from different “streams” and “movements” under ONE NAME, for ONE NAME – JESUS! (Speakers subject to change.)