Join us for GLORY REALMS Conference; a WILD time in the presence of God, receiving fresh revelations of His glory! In Exodus 33 we see the heart of Moses, one desperate for the very presence of God, aware that the Glory of God is the only thing that would differentiate Him from the rest of the earth. Jesus, on the mountain of transfiguration, displays the glory of God and invites His disciples to see the Heavens open! The glory of our God is a non-negotiable for the christian walk! We must pursue Him, and create space for Him to manifest in our lives the way He desires!
GLORY REALMS Conference invites believers to seek out His Glory, and see our God for who He truly is! We must KNOW JESUS before we can MAKE HIM KNOWN; for what we behold, we become!

“The worldwide ministry of International Glory, with bestselling authors and trusted communicators Joshua and Janet Mills, is dedicated to serving the Body of Christ by offering supernatural teachings, prophetic worship music and anointed resources that will help you make a deeper connection with the glory of God.”