Home Church locations are available right across Sydney. At the bottom of this page you can find a list of the current available locations and get in contact with the location host. If you have trouble finding the right location, and would like help; contact us and we will get you planted in a Home Church this week!
We want to empower believers to host HOME CHURCHES in their local area. If this is something you have a heart to be a part of, please apply to become a host by clicking the button below! All you need is a home, a working internet connection, and a heart to host and love people!
Home Churches will broadcast an Online Stream of our 10:30AM Sunday Service. However this service will look a little different. Instead of sitting through a couple hours of ministry via the TV, we want to empower the believer to minister in their home. Our Online Stream will run for 45minutes. The Service Pastor will then hand over to the leaders / hosts at home to encourage people to respond, pray, worship, and encourage one another in the local context. Services will include: 2 Songs, Announcements, and a 30min Sermon- followed by the Worship Team leading a time of ministry to carry on in the background. At this point, you can either leave the stream on playing in the background (for music) as you share or pray for one another at home- or you can simply turn the stream off at this point and, if you have the capacity, take the opportunity to lead the group in a time of worship or response. We encourage official meet times to close by 12:00pm. Informally, feel free to spend lunch time together.
Hosting church services at home, provides for an exciting opportunity to see the kingdom of God established in a deeper way through the local community. Don’t miss what’s possible in this season. Invite your neighbours. Spread the word. People find it easier to visit your home, than attend a service at church. Get ready to see more people discover Jesus than ever before! THE HARVEST IS RIPE, AND NOW THE HARVESTERS HAVE BEEN MOBILISED.
At Home Church we develop strong relationships, build community, and go the journey together; encouraging, supporting and loving one another. In a world where public gatherings are currently banned, Home Churches provide a space for people to grow in their understanding of God and His word at a more intimate level. It is our hope that everyone who calls GGC Life home will make it a priority to attend a Home Church! Find the closest connect group below and hit “MORE INFO” to ask for an address or get your questions answered!